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Showing posts from July, 2010
I’ve been rather quiet lately. Not too much going on. Crashing on my parent’s couch and being followed by a rather large white dog. I finally got my second otter filled in and I no longer feel slightly heavier on my right side only. Its now equaled out, but I don’t so much feel weighed down. A somewhat odd mental reaction to ink. I finished watching FarScape and have now moved on to Babylon 5. Slow start. Disjointed. Boring time at the folk’s.
Went for a drive and accidentally wound up in Idaho.  I was starting to dip below half a tank and the next town was over a hundred miles down so I turned around after taking a short stroll for photos. I looked more into the options for schools to study abroad in and it turns out that my neurotic choice of Nantes doesn’t offer a fine arts program, but upon further looking Rennes just to the north of Nantes does. It would be nice if I had someone at the school to talk to about this and get things all planned out, but it seems that every time I try to do that they tell me that I am jumping the gun.
I found a new mirror for cheap over at the goodwill here. A few scratches of age and character. It seems that the longer that I live on my own the more that I just give up in caring about holidays. I had been debating going over to Seattle for the 4th to see friends, but I wasn’t sure about what else I would do there. Feeling trapped but not sure where to go.
Trying to do my best to work on multitudes of art, seeing as how at the moment I’m unemployed and between periods of schooling. I have found out that I hate myself though as I begin to ink in each and every leaf in the vines areas of green watercolor. I would like to make more one panel disconnected comics, but the inspirations aren’t exactly flowing at the moment. Wanting some more film noir/pulp style text, but falling short. Meh, at least I have seemed to finish another from the comic I started, but never finished last summer.