I believe that beauty is only found in the grime of ignored life.
With a style and an aesthetic that had been called passé I like to look at the past that has survied to the present. We are all a conglomeration of our pasts building our futures before us. And with this understanding I look to question the alienation of art and the disconnected nature of the post post modern.
We survive on a collection of brief moments. These moments I like to observe and then steal. Documenting them in my sketchbook and later in my artwork. They then become a collection of stolen moments from different places. My stolen moments. Defining myself and my art through the world around me. Through the things I observe.
With my artwork exists a mélange of all these observations and it goes on to make a life of its own. Resembling many different places from where the details have been collected they result in disconnected recognition. Like a dream too close to reality people find what they know and recognize but can't explain the context from which they know it. A sense of déjà-vu.
It is with this that I document the beauty in the world. Interpreting sights of inspiration.
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