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Showing posts from January, 2011
Another reason for my depart from social life lately has been pulling together some of my paintings to put in the show for the artist collective. (Sorry for the shitty cellphone capture) I didn’t get an entire wall, but almost. After seeing these pictures up in a gallery I feel that they are rather small and that I should work on finishing some larger pieces. If my process wasn’t such a laborious one I would get right to work on that…
I was finally able to make it back home to Seattle for a moment. As usual I wandered about without direction, finding new back streets that I have yet to traverse and new little cafés that I have not yet wandered into. I found this café that served crêpes as well as a few alcoholic beverages, that I didn’t get around to trying. I was quite pleased with a lemon zest crêpe filled with raspberries and a cup of black tea. The weather in Seattle was a nice change from the cold of Montana with instead light rains that required only a light jacket.
It has been a rather lackluster winter session, in terms of working on art. Although it seems that Billings always seems to remove any inspiration or desire to work on art, I have since come back to Missoula to become distracted by a redhead. A pleasant distraction. I still hope to finish at least one of these two paintings before the end of the break so I can display them with the artwork of other members of the university artist collective. I am liking how the street scene is coming out. I seem to have a better understanding of layering every time I paint another watercolor, which is really helpful with trying to achieve a night like atmosphere. I seem to have misplaced my ivory black and had to go and buy a new one from Michael’s. They were locked up but I slipped my hand into the side of the case and retrieved the tube of watercolor. Part of me felt like just walking off with it as a repressed anger to the frustration of working there back in the day, but I suppressed...