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Showing posts from May, 2011
I still need to come up with a title for this one… The consensus so far has been that it is kind of creepy. Which provided an interesting critique in sculpture class. Instead of discussing my process for creation or what my percentage of changing my found object the critique instead focused on what the piece could mean. I would like to find a way to make the baroque-esque filigree appear more so that that is what they are. I am thinking about perhaps coming back with some fancy thin ribbon to give detail.
“Self-Portrait ca.2011” iron casting, acrylic. The semester has ended and I have left Missoula. Like when I left Seattle it was raining, but of course the weather is not dependent upon my moods. Billings has been like how Billings always is. At one point in my life I would like it that I will never have to end up back here. I am already trying to think up new places to run away to. Perhaps finish out university in Missoula, which should hopefully only take one more year after coming back from France, then grad school in New Orleans? I would think that there should be a university there that should have a pretty interesting architecture program, with some French architecture influence which I would enjoy. Assumptions.