Capitol Hill outside PettiRosso early morning. I had walked up to the door and tested the handle, but for some reason it was still locked and I decided to walk around the block and try again.
Just down from the door I saw a pile of carpet. My first reaction was that it was blankets and that a homeless person was sleeping there, but upon closer look it was just a pile of nasty carpet thrown to the street, and while it is next to a dumpster it doesn’t seem to belong to it. Somehow PettiRosso exists next to this decay and grime of the city.
I have been watching a lot of films with Brenna and when we decide to crash at her place to watch a film, or two, I have to park my car with an expiration at 6am. So far I have been moving my car over to work at 7am and then going for a nice relaxing breakfast at PettiRosso until work starts without getting a ticket. Over confidence can lead to downfall though.
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