I’ve been working on making a new painting of a cityscape. It is to be viewed from a bridge that passes above. In part inspired from when I took the bus to work the other morning and looked out over the U-District to see a smattering of buildings displaced from one another by the trees between.
I started sketching this out onto a nice sized piece of watercolor paper, but as I went to sleep last night I’m thinking that I need to add another vanishing point because the buildings all feel too flat.
I’m planning to paint out the entire city, going back to ink, and then adding the bridge with character sitting looking out in acrylic paint as a means to express depth. I’m a little afraid of this idea though because I’m afraid it will cover up a lot of my work on the cityscape.. meh, sometimes we all just have to bite the bullet. And get an amputation, with lead poisoning?
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