I would have to say that this song has reached public domain, being from 1911 and all…
I finished reading Nausea by Sartre the other morning and downloaded this song while reading his last passage of sitting in his cafe in Bouville as the waitress, Madeleine, puts on his favorite song.
Though I was told this book was rather depressing I didn’t find it to be such, but instead just more of an interesting look at life that I could relate to. Perhaps I lead a depressing life? Meh. I just like to think that I have a much more factual grasp on life and, truth be told, life is not a positive thing, but is instead a rather negative thing that we all struggle through.
Cups of tea at the end of the day to make the world right in our minds.
From this I have taken that as we view our lives as these dull depressing things without adventures it is only looking in the view of the whole, or looking back at our past that we can see that we have actually had adventures, though small and insignificant compared to what adventure novels tell us our adventures should be.
Probably not what Sartre was going for, but I’m attempting to maintain my positive outlook. Especially with this whole moving to Missoula looming closer and closer. Of course mum has to bring up how it is cold there and that I will probably be needing more clothing… et cetera, as the over protective mother who can’t seem to understand that I can dress myself, nor the fact that I work in a store that sells clothing.
I don’t want to go back to the cold of Montana… I’ve been side tracking my mind of that thought by looking up French cities that I will be able to transfer to. Nantes is looking like a pleasant option. The wikipedia article makes it sound somewhat like the climate is not too different from Seattle. Plus they have pomme eau, which I have leaned is traditionally served in something that resembles an English tea cup.
Distract the mind.
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