I love to see all the little spots left over after too many cups of tea from a single bag. The beauty of over-steeping. I imagine galaxies. Galaxies of tea.
I’m finding myself even more put off than usual with my French homework by the fact that my book still has yet to arrive. I’ve been checking the mailbox like the child waiting to see what his cereal box tops bought him. Meh.
I have an interesting assignment for my alternative methods photography class where I need to take five words and put pictures to them. I’m thinking about the word grime.. getting a little homesick as well. I’m at a bit of a loss for the other words though, so far. I have until next Tuesday to come up with ideas though so perhaps this weekend I’ll figure something out. I’m going out to the bar with my new roommate and I think I’ll bring along my camera and perhaps come up with some ideas. $1 mixers. So far my experiences with bars out here have been cowboys and gambling. I’m really not expecting anything different.
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