Welcome to College.
day 2.
Somehow I slept until the late late hour of 8am this morning. Maybe I will eventually have to set an alarm clock.
Intense dreams last night. Slowly escaping my memory.
One of them I was in a desert after the apocalypse and pretending to play dead as everyone I was with was killed by a roving gang. I stopped pretending to be dead after I found a means of threatening someone with a wooden golf club. We then put together more wood golf clubs. I worked on the elaborate putter that was two golf club heads put together.
Later I was being a menace to society involving statues. I had beheaded some angel statues and would place them in locations to surprise old ladies. For some reason the police were using me as a detective to find myself and trusted me with the evidence, which I took to go put somewhere else. Except as I was backing out I was cut off my a pickup truck of a hippie mortician. She wrote romance novels that she had praises from a judge friend of her’s proclaimed on the cover.
And scene.
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