I had some odd dreams this morning involving my father. First he was trying to convince me to get something on my right ear pierced to help balance things out, he even recommended a small dermal behind my ear. In reality he usually just says nothing about my piercings, though he did tell me, before I started getting pierced and expressed an interest in such, that the history behind piercings was that sailors would get them for every time they crossed the equator. He stated that while trekking through Kenya that he crossed the equator so many times, many unknowingly because he was just in the Savanna, that he could get pierced as many times as he would like, he just chooses not to. Somehow this dream then jumped to me talking about student loans with him and how in borrowing 4thousand dollars I now owed the government 40thousand dollars, immediately. I did not like this aspect of the dream. As a consolation, a friend (who seems to only exist in my dreamscape) invited me over to play vid...