One of the desks in my French class. I like the jellyfish.
I didn’t get to make it back to Seattle for Nouvelle Vague. It was snowing and I had a test the next day.. Kind of kicking myself about this. The whole day was kind of a let down every time I realized I wouldn’t be seeing Nouvelle Vague, or being back home in Seattle for the weekend. I counteracted this by going out to the Dead Hipster dance party again. Daniel kept buying me shots of tequila, which he said was to catch me up to him. The crowd really seemed to be completely comprised of the cliché college student. The frat/sorority image. Boring.
I met a girl named Banana though, at least that is how I heard it through the thump of dance beats.
I was told I have pretty eyes, but since I wear eyeliner that I’m gay. Welcome back to Montana.
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