It seems that I keep taking more and more photos of me messing around with my accordion while in my living room. Now if only I would actually work on practicing my accordion at the same time instead of getting distracted with making beautiful somber noises.
This time I did it for a reference for my steamroller print for the upcoming Day of the Dead (which I should have gone to work on today, but instead stayed home and worked on architecture and study abroad instead… These next two days are /really/ going to suck for me). It seems be be coming along nicely and I will probably just need to spend a few more hours and get a hold of the drill that I have heard about to finish it up.
Sometimes I think that I romanticize the bohemian era too much, as I take sips of a mixed absinthe drink from the flask in my vest pocket.
On a lighter note.. Halloween costumes and how I have yet to really think about that at all. With the mustache back, perhaps Dali?
Time to fall asleep as I attempt to memorize Roman architecture for a test tomorrow.
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