With the weather being the way that it has been lately I haven’t been wanting to leave the apartment much. I have been trying my best to keep myself busy without spending all my time on my computer. I really doubt that I will get all that I would like to get done this break, but I will at least try to do some things.
This short thanksgiving break began rather horribly with first realizing that because of this snowstorm that has hit the northwest that my hopes of traveling to Seattle for a thanksgiving with my friends out there became rather impossible. This was then followed by the phone call from my family that the dog that my family has had since I was 8 had to be put down due to cancer. We saw it coming for a while now, but even still it is hard to realize that now when I go home he won’t be there. When ever I would leave my folk’s place to go back to school I would spend a little extra time with him knowing that it could be the last time I would see him. Since the weather has been keeping me inside I had a little wake for him on my own in my apartment. As per usual with coming to terms with things in life I will start a new art piece for him, although I am not too sure what it could be.. I can’t say that animals make their way into my work too often, but I guess a big fluffy dog will have to break that trend.
Until then I have started another large acrylic painting this time not just going from one Eugène Atget photo. but mashing up two of them and creating a place that doesn’t exist but is derived from a former reality.
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