I watched some more Dead Like Me at Brenna’s last night. She had cleaned her room up so we could watch it in there. Already one of her cheap clothing racks broke, so her room was quickly not as clean as she had wanted it, but still cleaner than it was before. Her room has a really nice shape to it (lacking sharp corners), and surprisingly, double pane windows. Nice molding. The bushes outside the window just reach up to block the street and sidewalk below. I think that this could make a nice painting of sorts. Hmm… it will probably get sketched out when I get homesick in a month. In watching episodes of Dead Like Me we both got a craving for diner food. Nasty, sugary, and brightly colored in an over lit booth. We walked over to IHOP (I Heart Old People according to Brenna) on Capitol Hill/First Hill. Formal high school dance kids sat in the back when we arrived, debating on what to get and talking up the waitress into ordering from the kid’s menu. Older man in the boot...